The Scaling Community of Practice launched an action research initiative with case studies of the efforts to mainstream scaling by selected funder organizations. The present case study reviews SOFF experience of mainstreaming scaling during preparation and early implementation of the facility. The study finds that SOFF has a clear vision of scale; a well-designed scalable intervention that supports sustainable impact at scale; an array of critical actors coordinated by SOFF acting as an intermediary; a clear strategy for implementing the scaling pathway recognizing systemic constraints and opportunities; appropriate implementation modalities, including technical assistance, incentives and outreach, to create capacity demand and incentives; and an effective approach to monitoring results and valuating design and implementation. The analysis concludes that SOFF mainstreamed scaling fully into its design. The study was prepared by Johannes F. Linn, Co-Chair of the Scaling Community of Practice and SOFF Global Facilitator. The preparation of the case study was not financially supported by SOFF.