
SOFF enables the provision of a global public good: essential weather and climate data.

SOFF support to countries is provided in three phases

It is implemented through a close collaboration between countries, Implementing Entities and peer advisors.

During the Readiness phase, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Least Developed Countries (LDCs), and other Overseas Development Aid (ODA)-eligible countries can access technical assistance provided by SOFF peer advisors to undertake a Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) National Gap Analysis, develop a GBON National Contribution Plan and conduct Country Hydromet Diagnostics.

During the Investment phase, SIDS and LDCs can receive grants and advisory support to establish their GBON stations and strengthen the human and institutional capacity needed to implement the GBON National Contribution Plan.

During the Compliance phase, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in SIDS and LDCs receive results-based finance and on-demand peer advisory to support the operation and maintenance of internationally sharing data stations.


By helping to improve the observation, collection and exchange of weather and climate data, SOFF aims to:

Emphasis on those geographic areas that currently have the poorest observational coverage, where strengthening the observing network would yield the largest results regarding the quality of the numerical weather prediction products

Countries where through relatively small interventions, stations and related infrastructure could be fixed to start quickly delivering the data into the global system per Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) regulations

Countries where Implementing Entities and peer advisors can operate and deliver SOFF support efficiently and effectively

Opportunities for complementarity of SOFF with larger operations under implementation or preparation by the Implementing Entities and other funds, including by the Advisory Board Members

Opportunities to create economies of scale and optimize the design of the observing networks through multi-country and sub-regional implementation

Balanced support among especially Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries and across regions, including Fragile and Conflict-affected States.


Together, these partners are working on SOFF implementation in a coordinated manner.

peer advisors
implementing entities
WMO Technical
private sector

SOFF Dashboard

Access to SOFF support

SOFF provides support to countries in three phases, the Readiness Phase, Investment Phase and Compliance Phase. These are implemented through a close collaboration between beneficiary countries, Implementing Entities and peer advisors.

Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) gap analysed and reviewed

GBON national contribution developed and verified

Country Hydromet Diagnostics conducted

Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Least Developed Countries (LDCs), and other Overseas Development Aid (ODA)-eligible countries can access technical assistance provided by SOFF peer advisors to undertake a Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) National Gap Analysis, develop a GBON National Contribution Plan and conduct the Country Hydromet Diagnostic.

Download SOFF Operational Manual
SOFF Readiness Phase - Steps

GBON infrastructure in place.

GBON human institutional capacity development.

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) can receive grants and advisory support to establish their Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) stations and strengthen the human and institutional capacity needed to implement the GBON National Contribution Plan and achieve GBON Compliance.

Download SOFF Operational Manual
SOFF Investment Phase - Steps

GBON data internationally shared and results-based finance provided.

Annual GBON compliance and impact report published

On-demand GBON operational and maintenance advisory provided

Weather and climate analysis products freely available through WMO Global Producing Centres

National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) receive results-based finance and on-demand peer advisory to support the operation and maintenance of internationally sharing data stations.

Download SOFF Operational Manual
SOFF Compliance Phase - Steps


The current gaps in global surface-based data significantly impact the quality of weather and climate services locally, regionally, and globally.

Data Gap

Even though all weather prediction starts with global models, the information needed for weather and climate services is often highly local. Weather and climate prediction requires observations of the state of the atmosphere, ocean, and land; these are obtained from a wide range of instrumentation deployed on land, in and above the ocean, in the air and space. Ongoing monitoring by WMO of the observational data exchange reveals that the current data coverage falls far short of the minimum requirements, especially in Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries.

SOFF Approach

In 2021, 193 Members of the World Meteorological Organization agreed to a set of global standards, the landmark agreement Global Basic Observing Network (GBON). GBON sets out an obligation and clear requirements to acquire and internationally exchange the most essential surface-based observational data at a minimum resolution and time frame level.

GBON offers a new approach in which the surface-based network is designed, defined, and monitored at the global level.

SOFF was created to support the implementation of the GBON commitments and close those data gaps.
For Africa, the number of radiosonde observations provided to the global models decreased by roughly 50% between 2015 and early 2020 and has dropped further since.
The first 40 countries SOFF has partnered with account for nearly 60% of the total GBON gap in Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries.




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SOFF Operational Guidance Handbook

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The templates can be downloaded by countries interested in applying for funding. If you need further information, or assitance with the documents, please contact us.